YWCA of Asheville & WNC

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Week Without Violence

Week Without Violence is part of a global YWCA movement to end violence against women and girls. This year, the YW of Asheville joins YWCA USA in setting aside October 21-24 as a week without violence; this year’s theme is “Financial Trauma: From Financial Abuse to Safety and Justice.”

We recognize that not all violence is acknowledged or responded to equally and that some victims go unrecognized altogether. Join us as we raise awareness, elevate survivor voices, and center survivors so that together, we can end gender-based violence. 

The week will begin with sharing resources with information from our non-profit partners in the YWCA lobby and conclude with a Self Care Saturday. Here’s a list of events:

Monday - Tabling in the lobby of the YW with resource information from our partner non-profits.

Tuesday - A “Tour of Programs,” a Zoom panel discussion featuring our local network of service providers. On Tuesday, we will also highlight efforts to Get Out the Vote to help ensure that survivor voices and concerns are heard this election season.

Wednesday - YW staff will wear purple in solidarity with survivors of domestic violence, and we’ll feature a children’s art show, as our kids imagine a world without violence.

Thursday - We’ll join YWCA USA for a national town hall, and feature a Self Care Saturday for providers, advocates, activists and survivors, because taking the time to engage in healing and self-care is integral to becoming an even more powerful advocate for survivors.

Saturday - A day of #selfcare for providers, advocates, activists, and survivors. Taking time to engage in healing is an integral part of our mental and physical well-being, and can make us even more powerful advocates for survivors.