New! Personal Training 101

Maximize your membership with our Personal Training series! This class runs from Tuesday, May 14 to June 18, 5:30 - 6:45 pm. It’s free to YWCA members, and will take you from goal-setting strategies to advanced techniques. Our trainers are here to answer all your questions about personal training at the YW and help you embark on a fulfilling fitness journey. Join us weekly to explore different facets of personal training, led by a different trainer each session. Cardio, strength, flexibility and mobility, recovery and performance training are all covered in this 6-week course. It’s a great way to get an overview of Personal Training at the YW, and to get to know the trainers.

May 14 - Cardio Training, Delia; May 21 - Strength Training, Rob; May 28 - Flexibility/Mobility, Sam; June 4 - Recovery, Pierre-Andre; June 11 - Performance Training, Delia; June 18 - Performance Training, Pierre-Andre

Registration is required and can be made in advance by calling (828) 820-7068 or emailing


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